Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The State of the Union is (adjective)

This week, President Obama will deliver the annual “State of the Union” to Congress, broadcast live throughout the United States, and around the world. Commentators and pundits will spend days analyzing and commenting on Obama’s address from even before he begins, with advanced copies provided to the press. Many are looking at this address as much as a “State of the Obama Presidency” as it is about the state of the Union. Indeed, it will be interesting to hear what the President has to say about the state of the Union, reflecting on the end of his first year in office and looking ahead. The President is likely to begin his remarks with the traditional formula, “Madam Speaker, the State of the Union is (adjective).” The question is what adjective President Obama will use. It’s unlikely that he’ll pick a word that resembles one which Jimmy Carter used in a different address, and which has haunted him since, malaise. And he may want to use a word that has not used before, or at least one that has been over used. What do you think? What word will President Obama use? What word should he use? While not scientific, please do share your thoughts before the pundits have their say and before Obama begins his remarks. And while you’re at it, please share any notable highlights of Obama’s first year, good or bad. Living for the first 40 years of my life in the United States, it’s clear that the state of the Union is important to all Americans. However, living in Israel since 2004, it has become clear that the state of the Union is something that is important worldwide, on a myriad of levels. Ideally, please share your adjectives and any other remarks at http://jonathanfeldstein.blogspot.com, or you may go to my Facebook page but since that is an audience of limited number, I’d rather you share your thoughts on my blog. If you don’t want your comments shared publically, you may send me an e-mail at no1abba@gmail.com.


  1. I vote for "troubled." This would be consistent with the President's populist approach towards assessing blame on an unpopular segment of society (these days, its the "fat cats on Wall Street").

  2. I think he will use something like hopeful or optomistic. I think he will be wrong to use that adjetive as it does not correctly reflect the state of the union, which probably leans more toward pessimistic or doubtful. But it is a way to acknowledge that things are not good now without repeating Carter's mistake of drawing too negative a picture
