Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Recognizing “Palestine”
The only good thing to come out of Brazil and Argentina’s recognition of “Palestine,” as an independent country, and Uruguay’s plan to do so, is that these absurd government decisions make certain recent Israeli government decisions, and then their reversal, look less stupid. (http://www.jpost.com/Headlines/Article.aspx?id=198279)
Recognizing “Palestine,” not only does nothing to bring peace to Israel and the Palestinians, but it pushes the prospect of peace further away. It rewards the Palestinians for decades of violence and terror. It disregards all the Palestinians’ obligations since the November 1947 UN resolution to create a Jewish and an Arab state. It is racist. It lends credence to the Palestinian and other Arab claims that Israel has no legitimacy. It helps give birth to yet another country at war with Israel. And it creates the farce of “Palestine” as one state whereas, in fact, an extremist terrorist group that is at war both with Israel and the PA government controls territory that encompasses almost half of the would be citizens of the state that they are recognizing.
Since even before its own statehood, Israel has not known one day of peace. It has been subject to terror and war for more than six decades. Palestinian leaders have ignored international agreements and UN resolutions to try to bring peace to the region as if it were their national pastime. Anytime the Palestinians don’t feel that they are getting a fair shake, they resort to threats of violence and actual terror. Why would any country make such an absurd unilateral gesture as to recognize “Palestine” at all, much less in territory that remains disputed, and absolve the Palestinians of the responsibility to come to an accommodation with Israel and make peace once and for all? What incentive do the Palestinians have to join the world of nations if they get a free pass at shirking their responsibilities and aren’t expected to behave in a manner that is according to international standards?
Making the Palestinians any less accountable to live in peace and civility as a member of the nations of the world is racist because it says that we just don’t expect normative civil and peaceful behavior from them. How are the Palestinians expected to rise to the occasion and behave as the rest of the nations of the world when there are those who simply don’t expect that of them? The Palestinians deserve better.
Recognizing “Palestine” unilaterally according to the 1949 armistice lines is also racist against Jews and goes against the very nature of the 1947 UN Resolution 181 which calls upon Jews and Arabs to live together in peace and harmony, as residents of one another’s countries but citizens of their own. Is it possible that these nations which recognize “Palestine” now believe that Jews are expected to host an Arab minority (some 20%) in their country, but that Jews are forbidden to reside in a Palestinian Arab state, and that their presence is unjust and an alleged obstacle to peace? Why is the same not said of Israel providing full citizenship and equal rights to its Arab minority? Why the one sided racism and delegitimizing of Israel?
As long as there has been a territorial dispute in the Middle East, the Arabs have sought to undermine Israel’s very legitimacy. The Palestinian (and others’) claims that there is no historical or religious connection between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel is not just wrong and offensive, it contradicts the very foundation of Judaism and Christianity, and is yet another lie upon which they are building their society, by discrediting ours, rather than by coming to terms with us as neighbors, and our right to be here.
All but two (of 22) Arab countries are still in a state of war with Israel. This does not include other “inspired” Muslim countries like Iran, which also don’t recognize our right to exist, and threaten us with war, terrorism, boycotts, and one sided condemnation. What justification does any country have in serving as the midwife for the birth of another country that will not uphold international standards and that will be (remains) at war with a third?
Assuming none of the above are really issues, what I’d love to know is which “Palestine” these esteemed countries are recognizing. Is it what’s often referred to as the West Bank which is still (nominally) ruled by the elected Palestinian Authority, whose president has long out served his term and not called for new elections? Is it Gaza which is ruled by terrorists that overthrew the PA in a bloody coup and now rule with an iron hand over nearly half of the Palestinians? Is their recognition of “Palestine” as a state anything more than a game of international make-believe in the hope that by putting a diplomatic band aid on a problem with global implications it will all just be OK?
If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, this road is paved in abject stupidity. This decision, at this time, lends reason to think that Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay are competing to be the leader of the banana republic of nations. Perhaps they would like to adopt the Palestinians as neighbors and see just how friendly their leaders are. Then again, they welcomed any number of Nazi war criminals, so Israel bashing, anti-Semitic terrorists would be right at home.
Recognizing “Palestine” without holding the Palestinians accountable to the responsibilities that statehood brings, will not only do nothing to bring peace, but it will push peace further away, laying the foundation for more bloodshed rather than anything resembling a resolution.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Expressing our thanks to those who helped put out the fire
Expressing our thanks to those who helped put out the fire
Now that the devastating Carmel Forest fire has been extinguished, in Israel must mourn the dead and rebuild, while reinforcing emergency preparedness for this and other sort of national disaster. It’s unusual for Israel not to be one of the first countries sending aid to others and, in this case, being on the receiving end. The international support is most noteworthy and appreciated.
Those who love and support Israel, and who are grateful for the international support that Israel received, should take a minute to express their gratitude to the following countries’ embassies and leaders in Israel and around the world. With two exceptions, the list below is of the countries and bodies that provided direct aid, what they provided, and their respective embassies and consulates in Israel. If anyone would like to take time to compile a list of the contact information for the respective Presidents/Prime Ministers/Foreign Ministers/ and/or other government representatives and sent to me. I will post on my blog and distribute as well. Please feel free to send these updates to me at no1abba@gmail.com and copy me on your notes of gratitude to these countries for their support.
Azerbaijan – 2 helicopters
Bulgaria – 1 plane and 92 firefighters
Croatia – 1 plane, 8 firefighters and fire repression materials
Cyprus – 1 plane and 1 helicopter
Egypt – fire repression materials
France – 5 planes and fire repression materials
Germany – 1 plane, 7 experts in firefighting and fire repression materials
Greece – 7 planes, 34 firefighters and fire repression materials
Holland – 5 experts in firefighting
Italy – 1 plane and fire repression materials
Jordan – 3 truckloads of firefighting equipment and materials
Palestinian Authority – 21 firefighters and 3 fire engines
Russia – 3 planes and 22 experts in firefighting
Spain – 5 planes
Switzerland – 1 plane, 3 helicopters and a team of 14
Turkey – 2 planes
UK – 2 helicopters
US – 5 planes, 11 experts in firefighting and fire repression materials
Azerbaijan does not maintain an embassy in Israel. Please contact the:
Executive Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, AZ1066, Istiglaliyyat street, 19, "The President Palace"
Fax: (0099412) 492 35 43, 492 06 25
E-mail: office@pa.gov.az
Bulgarian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Bulgarian Embassy in Tel-Aviv, Israel send edits
21 Leonardo Da-Vinchi Str.
Tel Aviv 64733, Israel
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: (00972 3) 696 13 61
Fax: (00972 3) 696 14 30
Email: telaviv@mfa.bg
Croatian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Tel-Aviv, Israel send edits
Canion Ramat Aviv
40 Einstein St.
Tel Aviv 69101
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: 00972 (0)3 643 8654
00972 (0)3 643 8655
Fax: 00972 (0)3 643 8503
Email: croemb.israel@mvpei.hr
Office Hours: Working hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-17.00
Working hours of Consular Section (with clients)/phone: 00972 (0)3 641 3508/:
Monday-Friday 10.00-14.00
Croatian Consulate in Jerusalem, Israel
Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Jerusalem, Israel send edits
Shaarei Ha'ir Building, 5th Floor
216 Yaffo Street
Jerusalem 94 383, Israel
City: Jerusalem
Phone: +972 (0) 77 777 92 77
Direct No. +972 (0) 50 777 45 00
Fax: +972 (0) 77 777 92 05
Email: honorary@consul-croatia.com
Cypriot Embassy in Tel-Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Cyprus in Tel-Aviv, Israel send edits
50, Dizengoff Str.
Top Tower 14th Floor
City: Tel-Aviv
Phone: + 972 3 5250212, 6292546, 6297033 (Amb.), + 972 9 9500948 (Res.)
Fax: + 972 3 6290535
Email: tel_avivembassy@mfa.gov.cy
Office Hours: Ambassador: H.E. Mr. George Zodiates Office hours: 08:00 15:30 (Mon. Fr.)
Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Egypt in Israel
54 BAZEL Street,
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: (009723) 5464151-5464152
Fax: (009723) 5441615
Prime Minister of Egypt - primemin@idsc.gov.eg
French Embassy in Tel-Aviv, Israel
Embassy of France in Tel-Aviv, Israel
112 Promenade Herbert Samuel
BP 3480 - 63572 Tel Aviv
City: Tel-Aviv
Phone: [972] (3) 520 83 00
Fax: [972] (3) 520 83 40
Web Site: http://www.ambafrance-il.org
Email: diplomatie@ambafrance-il.org
French Consulate in Jerusalem, Israel
Consulate General of France in Jerusalem, Israel
5 rue Paul Emile Botta
PO box 182
91001 Jerusalem
City: Jerusalem
Phone: [972] (2) 629 85 00
Fax: [972] (2) 629 85 01 / 629 85 02
Web Site: http://www.consulfrance-jerusalem.org
Email: diplomat@france-jeru.org
German Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Germany in Tel Aviv, Israel
3, Daniel Frisch St.
19. Stock
64731 Tel Aviv
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: 03-6931 313 / (00972 3) 693 13 12
Fax: 03-6969 217
Web Site: http://www.tel-aviv.diplo.de
Email: ger_emb@mail.netvision.net.il
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday: 8:00 - 16:00 Friday and Holidays: 8:00 - 12:30
Greek Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Greece in Tel Aviv, Israel
Tower Building
3 Daniel Frisch St.
16th floor
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: (009723) 6953060 or 609 4981 or 6951088
Fax: (009723)6951329
Email: gremil@netvision.net.il
Greek Consulate in Jerusalem, Israel
Consulate General of Greece in Jerusalem send edits
31 Rachel Immenu, Katamon, Jerusalem
City: Jerusalem
Phone: (009722) 5619583, 5619584, 5828316
Fax: 5610325, 5325392
Email: greconje@netvision.net.il
Italian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Italy in Tel Aviv, Israel send edits
Trade Tower Building
25 Hamered Street 21
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: 972 3 510 4004
Fax: 972 3 510 0235
Web Site: http://www.ambtelaviv.esteri.it
Email: stampa.telaviv@esteri.it
Jordanian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Jordan in Tel Aviv, Israel send edits
14, Rehov Abba hillel
Silver Ramat Gan
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: 9-723-751-7722
Fax: 9-723-751-7712
Email: jordan1@barak.net.il
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday:9:00-3:00 Sunday:9:00-3:00
The Palestinian Authority does not maintain any diplomatic office in Israel and initial searches did not find any address for contacts of the President or Prime Minister in Ramallah. Please contact the:
Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations
115 East 65th Street
New York, N.Y. 10065
Telephone: (212) 288-8500
Telefax: (212) 517-2377
e-mail: palestine@un.int
Spanish Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Spain in Tel Aviv, Israel send edits
Dubnov Tower, 3 Rehov Daniel Frisch,
Floor 16 Tel-Aviv 64731
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: +972-3-6965210/8/9
Fax: +972-3 -6952505/6965217
Email: embespil@mail.mae.es
Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem, Israel
Spanish Consulate General in Israel send edits
Ramban, 53
City: Jerusalem
Phone: (+972) 2 563 34 73
Fax: (+972) 2 563 20 59
Email: conspjer@mail.mae.es
Swiss Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Switzerland in Tel Aviv, Israel send edits
228 Hayarkon St.
Tel Aviv
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: 03 546 44 55
Fax: 03 546 44 08
Email: vertretung@tel.rep.admin.ch
Office Hours: 9am - 11am
Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of Turkey in Israel send edits
Rehov Ben Yehuda 1
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: +972-3 517-1731 / +972-3 517-6157
Fax: +972-3 517-6303
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Turkish Consulate in Jerusalem, Israel
Consulate of Turkey in Israel send edits
City: Jerusalem
Phone: (+972-2 532)-1087 / 2396 / 3310
Fax: +972-2 582-0214
Email: turkudus@netvision.net.il
British Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
British Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel send edits
192 Hayarkon Street,
Tel Aviv 63405
Consular Section 1 Ben Yehuda Street Migdalor Building, 6th Floor Tel Aviv 63801
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: +972 (0)3 510 0166
Fax: + 972 (0)3 725 1222
Web Site: http://www.britemb.org.il/
Email: webmaster.telaviv@fco.gov.uk
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 13:00 Friday 08:00-12:30
American Consulate in Jerusalem, Israel
Consulate General of United States in Jerusalem, Jerusalem
18 Agron Road
Jerusalem 94190
City: Jerusalem
Phone: +972.2.622.7230
Fax: +972.2.625.9270
Web Site: http://jerusalem.usconsulate.gov
Email: UsConGenJerusalem@state.gov
Office Hours: 08.00-16.30
American Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel
Embassy of United States in Tel Aviv, Israel
71 Hayarkon Street
Tel Aviv
City: Tel Aviv
Phone: (+972) 3-519-7575
Fax: (+972) 3-517-3227
Web Site: http://telaviv.usembassy.gov
Email: nivtelaviv@state.gov
Office Hours: 08.00-16.30
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